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miRacle- A smart miRNA search Platform for gene therapy

miRacle- A smart miRNA search Platform for gene therapy

In 1953, James Watson, Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin revolutionized the world of biology by discovering the structure of DNA. This achievement not only became the foundation of modern molecular genetics, but also opened a new chapter in understanding how to store and transfer genetic information in living organisms. At the same time, other scientists also concluded that this genetic information was the key to solving many scientific mysteries, but the technological limitations of the time did not allow detailed and extensive analysis of this data. At this stage, the future of using biological data and molecular information in solving complex biological and medical problems was still uncertain.
Decades later, after the completion of the Human Genome Project, with the advancement of technology and the digital revolution, the amount of genetic and biological data obtained through new generations of sequencing and other modern tools has skyrocketed. This caused new challenges to analyze and interpret this huge amount of data. Information that used to take years to access was now available in hours, but this data was only valuable if it was accurately processed and interpreted. This is where the science of bioinformatics emerged, a science that uses computational tools to transform biological data into practical knowledge in the field of health and treatment. With the increase in accuracy in omics technologies such as genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics, the need to analyze complex biological data and their practical use also increased. But the main challenge remained in the effective and intelligent use of this huge data.
In response to this need, projects such as MiRacle were formed. By combining the knowledge of biology and the computational power of artificial intelligence, MiRacle seeks to accelerate and improve analytical and research processes in the fields of bioinformatics and the design of new drugs. The main goal of this project is to use comprehensive biological data to extract patterns and key information that can help in the development of new drugs. Using new algorithms and advanced data analysis, MiRacle can analyze genetic, protein and molecular data in a more accurate way and at an unparalleled speed.
One of the great advantages of this approach compared to traditional methods is the unprecedented accuracy and speed that these technologies provide to researchers. For example, in the design of biological drugs, instead of long and costly trial and error processes, MiRacle can predict drug interactions with body cells in terms of the specificity of the drug's effect and the reduction of its side effects with accurate simulations, and drugs with higher effectiveness and fewer side effects. to suggest This not only helps to accelerate the discovery of new drugs, but also significantly reduces the high costs of drug research.
On the other hand, in the field of omics, MiRacle can identify complex disease patterns by analyzing genetics, protein and metabolic data. These analyzes can lead to a deeper understanding of genetic diseases, cancer and other chronic diseases and pave the way for the development of personalized treatments.
In addition, the use of artificial intelligence in biohacking projects helps researchers to identify disease biomarkers and take preventive measures by quickly and efficiently analyzing clinical and molecular data. For example, the analysis of patient data using deep learning models can lead to the identification of hidden patterns in genetic and environmental data, which will help in the early diagnosis of cancer or other complex diseases, and in line with the realization of new perspectives in the fields of biology and Medicine to provide new services in the field of drug design to researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and health organizations.
Currently, one of the first achievements of this project named MiRacle, with the aim of discovering new biological drugs for the purpose of gene therapy of various diseases using microRNAs, considering the therapeutic goals of the user as well as the specificity in molecular dimensions, can be used in the link below: