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HPC Center

HPC Center

Why is HPC important?
It is through data that groundbreaking scientific discoveries are made, game-changing innovations are fueled, and quality of life is improved for billions of people around the globe. HPC is the foundation for scientific, industrial, and societal advancements.

As technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and 3-D imaging evolve, the size and amount of data that organizations have to work with is growing exponentially. For many purposes, such as streaming a live sporting event, tracking a developing storm, testing new products, or analyzing stock trends, the ability to process data in real time is crucial.

To keep a step ahead of the competition, organizations need lightning-fast, highly reliable IT infrastructure to process, store, and analyze massive amounts of data.

How does HPC work?
HPC solutions have three main components:


To build a high performance computing architecture, compute servers are networked together into a cluster. Software programs and algorithms are run simultaneously on the servers in the cluster. The cluster is networked to the data storage to capture the output. Together, these components operate seamlessly to complete a diverse set of tasks.

To operate at maximum performance, each component must keep pace with the others. For example, the storage component must be able to feed and ingest data to and from the compute servers as quickly as it is processed. Likewise, the networking components must be able to support the high-speed transportation of data between compute servers and the data storage. If one component cannot keep up with the rest, the performance of the entire HPC infrastructure suffers.

HPC use cases
Deployed on premises, at the edge, or in the cloud, HPC solutions are used for a variety of purposes across multiple industries. Examples include:

Research labs. HPC is used to help scientists find sources of renewable energy, understand the evolution of our universe, predict and track storms, and create new materials.
Media and entertainment. HPC is used to edit feature films, render mind-blowing special effects, and stream live events around the world.
Oil and gas. HPC is used to more accurately identify where to drill for new wells and to help boost production from existing wells.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning. HPC is used to detect credit card fraud, provide self-guided technical support, teach self-driving vehicles, and improve cancer screening techniques.
Financial services. HPC is used to track real-time stock trends and automate trading.
HPC is used to design new products, simulate test scenarios, and make sure that parts are kept in stock so that production lines aren’t held up.
HPC is used to help develop cures for diseases like diabetes and cancer and to enable faster, more accurate patient diagnosis.